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Comp Card
年龄: 32
身高: 166
体重: 56
三围: 36AA-38-42
肤色: White, fair
国籍: Ukraine
类型: Model Shooting Presenter Booth Babe MC DJ Dancer Acting
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I am Lidiya Zhuravlyova, born in 1989 in Rydnyi city, Qustanai, Kazakhstan. I was settled in Ukraine. I started learning dance art since the age of 06. Until now I learnt 32 different dance styles professionally and graduated in 2009 at Municipal High Educational Institution “Vinnitsa College of Culture and Arts n.a. M.D. Leontovych” by profession “Choreography” and have received qualification of an ensemble artist, teacher by Bachelor’s Degree and Masters. During 7 years I was learning Indian classical dance forms in South India and North India. I even learnt very important technics from Devadasis in South India.

I do experimental dance by composing and choreographing myself to make a unique style.

I am specialized in major forms of Indian classical dance western, European, and traditional folk dances of different countries. I carry 20 years of my dance experience in Fusion and Experimental Dance with research about choreography, fusion and experimental art from 2009-2012.

I would like to explore my chances in the field of theatre. I would like to work in Own projects to create unique way of styles in arts. I composed around 1848 dance compositions of different dance forms which also include actor’s mastery until now and choreographed myself.
Now I am currently learning Thai and Korean traditional dances.

I carry professional Honor’s and Bachelor’s Degree with technical Diplomas in all dance arts, I written above of the letter as I prescribed From the age of 06, I started learning dance and when I m a teenager I joined the university, studied and trained professionally performed in many events with taking part in international dance competitions, received medals, awards and rewards with lots of certificates I received in my career,

I devoted my whole life towards dance and become a professional choreographer and professional Indian classical dancer. Moreover I composed and choreographed new kind of dances which my group performed in Russian Got Talent and Ukrainian Got Talent famous TV shows and we also won in few best titles in both shows.


11 years of dance and acting on different stage, TV, entertainment, TVC, movies, reality shows, hostess, MC,and i taken part in international dance festivals and competitions
Female model in Phang-nga to join in event and have a little show, free hotel guest!