Comp Card
ອາຍຸ: | 67 |
ສ່ວນສູງ: | 187 |
ນໍ້າຫນັກ: | 90 |
ສັດສ່ວນ: | 0-0-0 |
ສີຜິວ: | White, fair |
ສັນຊາດ: | United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland |
Genres: | Model Shooting Presenter Acting |
ທີ່ຢູ່: | |
Contact this model |
ອາຍຸ: | 67 |
ສ່ວນສູງ: | 187 |
ນໍ້າຫນັກ: | 90 |
ສັດສ່ວນ: | 0-0-0 |
ສີຜິວ: | White, fair |
ສັນຊາດ: | United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland |
Genres: | Model Shooting Presenter Acting |
ທີ່ຢູ່: | |
Contact this model |